Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Symbology Definitions Manager

The Symbology Definitions manager lets you add, edit, and remove and manage the symbology definitions that are associated with the hydraulic model.

The dialog box contains a list pane that displays each of the definitions currently contained within the hydraulic model, a display pane that details the settings for the currently highlighted definition, along with a toolbar. The toolbar consists of the following buttons:

New Creates a new symbology definition in the list pane.
Import Allows you to import a previously exported symbology definition.
Export Exports the currently highlighted symbology definition as an .sde file that can be imported into other hydraulic models.
Delete Removes the currently highlighted symbology definition.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the currently highlighted symbology definition.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted symbology definition.
Help Displays online help for the Symbology Definitions manager.

When you create a new definition, all of the annotation and color settings will be turned off. To change the settings for a definition, change the current symbology definition to the one you want to edit in the Element Symbology Manager and make the desired changes there (i.e. turn on/off the desired elements, create new annotations and color coding and turn them on or off, etc.).